
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

Orphans Widows Neighbors. O.W.N. is a ministry focused on God's glory, the proclamation of the Gospel, and serving the community. Our hope is that lost souls will find our website and be challenged by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that people would awaken to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ!  Also, we hope that our ministry will encourage the church with events and reports of God's working in our community. 

Jesus: Our Answer, Or Our Accusation?

So often it has been said that the public sees Christians as people who are against things; against abortion, against homosexuality, against liberal politics, against socialism, against gay marriage, etc. Sadly, it is true that often times our natural inclination as people is to try to identify an enemy target and attack it with our thoughts, words, or actions. But as followers of Christ we aren’t to live according to our old nature, are we?

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Earn Your Own Way

We all know this scenario; a person in need comes and asks us for a handout. In our good assessment of the situation we determine how that person ought to handle their money, and we figure (perhaps correctly so) they probably did something to deserve their bad fortune.

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The Blinding Prejudice of Pride

Have you ever noticed how much more willing people are to accept a message brought from a well credentialed messenger of the world, versus a foolish message of God brought from a lowly messenger in Christ Jesus? 

Take a look for yourself into what the Apostle Paul endured for the sake of the gospel; and while you're doing your online search you might want to take note that his critics are still attacking him some 2000 years later with accusations that go as far as to even deny him as a true Apostle of Christ.

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