
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

Orphans Widows Neighbors. O.W.N. is a ministry focused on God's glory, the proclamation of the Gospel, and serving the community. Our hope is that lost souls will find our website and be challenged by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that people would awaken to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ!  Also, we hope that our ministry will encourage the church with events and reports of God's working in our community. 

So How Can I Be Saved?

Jesus Christ defeated death! That's incredible news! The holiness of God conquered the sinfulness of man! He conquered your worst enemy! He rose from the grave! He was seen by many witnesses! And He ascended to heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father! He is your Advocate! He is your only Hope to live! 

Take the gift of life! Eat the bread of His flesh! Drink the wine of His blood! Believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved! Receive life eternal by placing your faith in Jesus Christ! Give up the faith you have placed in so many other things! Give up your worldliness! Give up your love of sin! Love Jesus instead! Put your faith in Him! 

What would a drowning man do upon realizing he needed to be saved? He would call out for help! That's precisely what you need to do if you haven't been saved and want to be saved. There is no magic formula or special prayer that you have to say. Just confess to God what you know you need to tell Him and place your faith in Jesus Christ to receive the gift of forgiveness! He did what you can never do. Just take His gift today!  

So What Now?

If you have come to repent and believe in Jesus Christ... praise God! Now that you want to forsake your sin and live in the light of God's love as you walk with Jesus Christ into heaven, you will need His Word to guide you and instruct you through the realities of this sinful world. You should find a Bible believing church to express your worship with other believers in Jesus Christ. To identify with Jesus and express your faith and obedience in Jesus you should be baptized in His name as soon as you can!

If you need help with any of these things (or others) please visit the Contact Us page and leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as we can to help you with your journey of faith in Jesus Christ.  

If you haven't taken the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ but would like to talk about things, that's okay too! You are welcome to Contact Us, we would love to hear from you!
