Trusting The Cross
The truth that Jesus is the Christ who died for sinners everywhere is a simple fact that even a child can understand. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31 that God has chosen the weak and foolish things of the world to shame the wise. Klaus and I have discovered the power of this biblical truth as we have seen these precious souls continue to come to his home week after week despite their worldly associations.
Without a single layer of formalized troubled teen training, without planning committees or any approved programs, with only the gospel in our mouths and the God of the universe living in our bodies, we have seen His power to draw these kids with... the message of the cross! We want to boast of God's working in the world today! It is the evidence of God when we see kids who have no interest in religion, to speak of, who keep coming to weekly meetings to hear about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Jesus the Christ!
And it's glorious in part because each one of them knows what's awaiting them when they arrive. But still they come!
They know they've heard about a holy God who has given His law and requires a payment for our sin; who in the Father's love for us has done the unthinkable... given His only Son to pay our sin debt. They hear week after week how Jesus is the only way to Life. They hear of His virgin birth, His sinless life, His crucifixion, His resurrection, and His ascension... and from time to time they hear of the second death too.
But most of all they continue to hear that Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... is the only Way. And by God's grace they keep coming back for more! If you'd like, we would be blessed if you prayed for them (and us) by name:
- Chris
- Paige
- Tyler
- Cassie
- DJ
- Wyatt
- Seth
- Bailey
- Mitch
- Jessica
- Robyn
- Joanne
- Jordan
- George
- David
- Taylor
- Gabby
- Dianne
- Klaus
- Tim
- Cathy
- TJ
- Hailey
God bless you and thank you for reading!