The Truth Sets Us Free
So where is God in this situation? Romans 13 tells us that God has given us every governing authority. But still we lament that this government, and others, rule our land. Maybe the church should be asking other questions... questions which would force us to look in the mirror; seeking answers which might change us for God's glory.
Unfortunately our game plan and reaction to God's sovereignty in political defeat, instead of seeking God's will, mostly seems to focus on political rhetoric and retaliation. Perhaps it's time we stopped to consider that our politics and our love of the world is the very thing aiding in the prevention of us from seeing the Father's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Are we surprised that the world of lost people are in favor of homosexuality? Are we shocked that lost sinners are acting corruptly, as though our leaders don't? Are we so hard to things of eternity and in favor of politics that our political enemies, people suffering without Christ, hardly matter to us? Do we simply look at dying people around us as impediments to our personal agendas and worldly progress? Do we have no care for those trapped in sin who will die with the consequences of their own sin? Or is this all about you and me?
Thankfully Jesus didn't come to the world that way. Thankfully Jesus didn't use the world's tactics to personally succeed and further alienate sinners who deserve death. Thankfully Jesus didn't hide away in a perfect seeming kingdom where the goal was personal glory, green grass, lavish food, comfortable living, investment portfolios, exotic vacations, and accumulating stuff; only to further draw the lines of division between the "good guys" and the "bad guys". Thankfully Jesus lived His human life with eternity as His only home. Thankfully His love for the Father and His compassion for those without the Father led Him to far greater things than petty politics. Thankfully every time the Father required Him to suffer, He was obedient to His Father every step of the Way. This is the cost of following Christ which we seem to have long abandoned in the western church.
We love the world and all that it offers. We live just like the world. We prepare and expect our kids to succeed in a world which hates Jesus. We teach them to compromise and tell half truths if it will benefit them, and hold grudges for those who deserve it. University is a right of passage in our modern age. And it is there where our kids find the most confusion of all. We are the ones who sent them there. We pressure them to succeed. Then when they arrive, all they see and hear blasphemes the very God we say we love, and they grow more confused and less passionate for Jesus the Christ of the Bible. Instead, if we see passion in them it almost always is that which seeks to blend Jesus (most often a nameless creator) with the world. They are taught to live for making an impact and we expect to see them succeed.
After all, what would it say about us if our kids didn't do better than other kids? We'd actually have to look like we ourselves are losers. "Our kids need to be driven and they need goals!", we say. Yet God's word has already told us the goal of life. Don't take my word for that, click here and read it for yourself, and ask the Lord is that what His word is truly saying? Is this a matter of this author injecting an idea into God's word? Or has this author plainly presented a full text without hiding its meaning and allowed that text to speak?
You might be tempted to think I'm suggesting that we are to give up in this world. Well... I am absolutely not suggesting anything of the kind. I am suggesting we have already given up in this world. We have given up our obedience to our Lord in favor of other pursuits. We have given up our lives to success, pleasures, and personal reputation. Christ is life, and He will sustain us in honest work. He might not present us a bustling life of success the world's way, but His Way is right, and people will see the truth of that when we actually follow Him.
We say we are content and often times use our successful careers as the measuring stick. Content means to be satisfied with what one has; not wanting more or less. Yet we strive for more and more under the guise of contentment. More influence, more power, more money, more savings, more profit, more stuff, more work, more and more. It would be absurd to be content with little in our modern age. It would be absurd or lazy in our blended Christianity to not strive to make contribution to the advancements of the world and human progress. And those who would make Jesus their goal... they would look very strange and even discontent to a world with much different goals.
But to those who are hopelessly dying in this world, facing eternal condemnation; to those who see the corruption and lie that says some sinners are better than other sinners... they want so badly to see actual people who would make Jesus their goal lived out among them... they want true hope. Jesus is the Light which has come and He is the true hope! Not western culture, not eastern culture, not political ideology, not institutions of higher learning... Jesus is the only true hope!
God's word says God appointed Kathleen Wynne as our premier here in Ontario. So, I say it's our duty to show the world that we submit to God as we praise Him privately for this appointment, and stop publicly trying to even the score. We need to pray for Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal Party.
Then let's seek the Lord as to what it is that I have done to contribute to the confusion in the world today. I pray that should He show me or you the answer(s) to our questions that we would repent, put it off, and follow Him instead as He changes us. We must know it will cost us something to follow Jesus. Your best friends will betray you when it comes to Him. Be prepared to love Him and them as you go.
Jesus died for every homosexual, every lesbian, every greedy businessman, every drug addict, every alcoholic, every murderer, every thief, every liar, every communist, every capitalist, every liberal, every conservative, every Muslim, every Buddhist, every atheist, every religious hypocrite, every gossip, every adulterer, every fornicator, every vegetarian, every meat lover, every single sinner. The gift of God is there for everyone to take by faith. Let us live in the truth, lest we become proud in our thinking as though we didn't receive this gift by grace. To truly receive this gift is to be born again.
Let us live in Christ! Live for Him and live for others, not being motivated for our position in this world because our home isn't here anyway. Where a man or woman's treasure is, there also is their heart. :)
God bless you and thanks for reading.
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